Download as PDF What do we do?
We provide an opportunity to meet people who may have shared a common or difficult experience in their lives.
We give support to people with ICDs and their partners, relatives and carers.
We provide information on topics relevant to your needs. The meetings often have guest speakers.
We provide a forum for discussion and friendship.
We arrange social activities.
We have fun!!
When do we meet?
How do I become a member?
Membership of the group is open to all individuals who have an ICD, their families, carers and friends. If you are currently receiving ICD follow up at the Royal Bournemouth Hospital your name will be on our mailing list.
How are we funded?
We raise funds through social activities and voluntary donations from members. We also receive sponsorship form various organisations.
These donations are used to fund the venue and refreshments at our meetings as well as support projects and resources that have been agreed by the BAD group committee